The name's Tiplea. Marcus Tiplea.
Intuitive thinker, designer, with a knack of finding meaning in everything I do. 
Born and raised in Romania. Formally educated in the US. Living in Chile.
I have deep expertise designing for brands, with experience that spans into the fields of digital, web, editorial, advertising, photography, UX/UI, and motion design. You can see some of my selected work here.
All projects I do are backed by thorough research & defined by clear boundaries.
Why do I say that above all people matter?
As Annie Dillard said,  how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. Making the most of the time I was given means to me that I want all I do to be purposefully aimed at helping, benefiting, or serving someone else.
In the time I don't work on brands, my only ambitions are to live a quiet life, mind my own affairs, and work with my hands (1 Thessalonians 4:11). So you will often find me doing some calligraphy, writing, reading, going for a walk, taking photos, working with leather, binding a book, playing guitar, cooking or trying a new place in town, drinking coffee, or having a good ol' conversation with a close friend. Not coincidentally, all these activities in my life end up shaping the design work I do at a profound level. 
I also occasionally write on the subject of marketing, design, or branding. 
Download my resume.
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